It begins... the hustle and bustle of the season. Along with all of that comes the school projects. The girls came home with a "family project" instruction sheet and a huge green piece of paper. We were asked to make a tree that represents your family, traditions, or artistic ability, etc.. You could cut the paper any way you wanted and use whatever you wanted, be creative! Well we gave this some thought and to the Dollar Store we went. Got a few things and realized that the styrofoam cone that we wanted was not there. Off to Michaels on Saturday a.m. with my girls and everyone in their brother out - Yeah! Mind you when we walked into the place you could not get to a check out, but this project was due on Monday we had to proceed. In the Styrofoam isle there is a bunch of things to choose from. My girls can come up with anything that involves hitting each other with something, to being in someones way, to "mom why are we here again?" NICE! But we found what we came for and I wanted out of that place. Got in the longest isle ever then became smart and walked all the way to the back of the store -literally as every isle was full of chaos (don't stores have a max capacity? - cuz I think Michaels was at it) found a check out that I think someone else should have gone before me - but I butted in and put my stuff on the counter - Had to write a check out so it gave the girls time to ask for everything under the sun near the checkouts - hate that they put $1 items by the checkouts - Seriously, are you kidding me? We were out of there. Got home and let my finds sit on the counter thinking that someone would want to help mommy with this. OF COURSE NOT! Sunday morning I got up at 5 a.m. ran to get a paper (more like drove - I have no ambition) came back, drank my coffee, and started on the Family Tree. At about 7:30 a.m. they finally pitched in and by 7 p.m. the decorations were on the tree. Yes -it became an all day thing! The whole point is, we finished it with things that we love about Christmas and the above pic is the finished project. Got to love those school projects!